Soil is a major source of nutrients needed by plants for growth.
Plants require certain elements for their normal growth when any of these elements are not available to plants,
it will develop definite deficiency symptoms.
In order to become strong enough to carry the weight of buds and flowers, your crop will require
essential plant nutrients.
The 17 essential nutrients are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chloride, iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum and nickel. Some of these nutrients are supplied by soil, water and air while others need to be supplemented with the use of fertilizer.
Promotes rapid vegetative growth.
Gives plants healthy green color.
Stimulated growth,pale yellowish color.
buring tips and margins of leaves starting at the bottom of the plant.
Stimulates early growth & root formation.
Hastens maturity.
Promotes seed production.
Makes plants hardy.
Small root,spindly stalk, delayed maturity.
Purplish discoloration of leaves.
Dying of tips of older leaves, poor fruit & seed development.
Improves plant ability to resist disease & cold.
Aids in the production of carbohydrates.
Slow Growth.
Margins on leaves develop a scorched effect on the older leaves.
Weak stalk, shriveled seed & fruits.
Aids in the movement of carbohydrates in plants
Essential to healthy cell walls & root structure.
Terminal bud dies under server deficiency.
Margins of younger leaves scalloped.
Blossoms shed prematurely.
Weak stalk & stem structure.
An ingredient of chlorophyll.
Aids in the translocation of starch within the plant.
Essential for formation of oils & fats.
Yellowing of leaves between veins startsing with lower leaves.
Leaves abnormally thin.
Tissue may dry and die.
Leaves tendency to curve upward.
Aids in the formation of oils & parts of protein molecules.
Young leaves light green to yellowish in color.
In some plants, older tissue may be affected also.
Small spindly plants.
Retarded growth and delayed maturity.
Interveinal chlorosis on corn leaves.
Aids in the assimilation of calcium, amount required is externally small.
Death of terminal growth causing lateral buds
to develop & produce "witches broom" effect.
Thickened, curled, wilted & chlorotic leaves.
Soft & neutrotic spots in fruit & tubers.
Reduced flowering or improper pollination.
Required for N utilization.
Needed to transform NPN into amino aids.
legumes can not fix atmospheric N symbiotically without Mb.
Stunting & lack of vigor. Very similar to N deficiency due to the key role of Mb plays in N utilization.
Whiptail in cauliflower & yellow spotting in citrus.
Serves as an activator for enzymes in growth processes.
Assist iron in chlorophyll formation.
Generally required with zinc in foliar spraying of citrus.
Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves.
Gradation of pale color next to veins.
Development of gray specks(oats).
Interveinal white streaks (wheat) or interveinal brown spots(barley).
Essential for formation of chlorphyll.
Releases energy from sugars & starches.
Leaves yellowish or white(young leaves first).
Veins green, affected leaves curl up.
Promotes formation of vitamin A, excess is very toxic.
Started growth, die back of terminal shoots in trees.
Poor pigmentation, wilting & eventual death of leaf tips.
Formation of gum pockets around central pith in oranges.
An essential constituent of several enzymes.
Controls synthesis of indole acetic acid (IAA) an important growth regulator.
Zinc is most often needed by crops like grapes, citrus,pomegranate, apple, beans, tomato, onion,cotton & rice.
Decreased stem length & resetting of terminal leaves.
Reduced fruit bud formation.
Mottled leaves of corn leaves.
organic amendments applied to soils, other than direct deposition of excreta by grazing animals
Environment-friendly way of farming.Protect water, air, and soil from chemical pollution.
We are sure that once u get our product u will always have good opinion to get our products forever.
an agricultural approach that advocates healthy products free from components that may harm humans and nature.
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